listen carefully 2024
Listen Carefully 1224
Step1: Read the article as it is.
The following is a voicemail message left for Jake (J) by Pete (P).
Hey, Jake. It’s me, Pete. I hope you check your voicemail before you leave for the (a)_______. My flight got canceled. They said it was because of some kind of mechanical issue. I had to stand in (b)_______ at the Swift Air counter for over an hour, but I managed to get rebooked on a different airline. So I’m not flying Swift Air at all. I’m arriving on Direct Air flight (c)_______. It’s scheduled to arrive at Midway Airport at 8:45 p.m. instead of at 7:00 p.m. at O’Hare. I’ve just boarded, so I have to put my (d)_______ in airplane mode in a few minutes. As soon as we reach cruising altitude, I think I’ll be able to receive texts, so please text me, don’t try to (e)_______ me. I’m really sorry for the last-minute change! If this messes up your plans, just let me know, and I’ll catch a (f)_______or take the train. Let me know when you get this message! Oh, I’ll text you too, in case you don’t (g)_______ to your voicemail. I hope I see you soon!
•mechanical issue = 器質的異常, 機械的な問題
•manage to do = 何とか~する
•get rebooked = 予約変更してもらう
•board = (飛行機に)乗る
•airplane mode = 機内モード
•cruising altitude = 巡航高度
•text someone = 人にメールする
•last-minute A = 直前の, ギリギリの
•mess up A / mess A up = Aを台無しにする
•in case SV = 〜の場合に備えて
Step 2: Listen to the audio and fill in the blanks with the words you hear.
The following is a voicemail message left for Jake (J) by Pete (P).
Hey, Jake. It’s me, Pete. I hope you check your voicemail before you leave for the (a)airport. My flight got canceled. They said it was because of some kind of mechanical issue. I had to stand in (b)line at the Swift Air counter for over an hour, but I managed to get rebooked on a different airline. So I’m not flying Swift Air at all. I’m arriving on Direct Air flight (c)789. It’s scheduled to arrive at Midway Airport at 8:45 p.m. instead of at 7:00 p.m. at O’Hare. I’ve just boarded, so I have to put my (d)phone in airplane mode in a few minutes. As soon as we reach cruising altitude, I think I’ll be able to receive texts, so please text me, don’t try to (e)call me. I’m really sorry for the last-minute change! If this messes up your plans, just let me know, and I’ll catch a (f)taxi or take the train. Let me know when you get this message! Oh, I’ll text you too, in case you don’t (g)listen to your voicemail. I hope I see you soon!
Listen Carefully 1124
Step1: Read the article as it is.
The following is a conversation between
Sue and her husband, Dan.
S: We need to plan Thanksgiving dinner. Emma is coming, and she's a (a)_______ now.
D: And don’t forget my brother Mike is allergic to shellfish.
S: That won’t be a (b)_______. A traditional Thanksgiving dinner doesn't include shellfish.
D: Oh, that’s right. I wasn’t thinking.
S: So, the main dish will be turkey, of course, but we need a meatless main dish for Emma.
D: How about something with mushrooms? They have a (c)_______ flavor, and I know she loves them.
S: Oh! I saw a good recipe for stuffed mushrooms online. I think I (d)_______ it. I’ll look for it later.
D: Are we having the usual (e)_______, too?
S: Yes, everyone will be expecting them. But let’s add some roasted vegetables. I love them, and I think Emma will, too.
D: OK. And for dessert, are we sticking with pumpkin pie?
S: Of course! It’s not Thanksgiving without it! But we need four or five pies. There’ll be 21 people for sure — maybe 23.
D: Who hasn’t RSVPed yet?
S: Aunt Peg and Uncle Joe. They get back from Spain tomorrow, so I (f)_______ to hear from them soon.
D: OK, so I’ll write down three pumpkin pies and
three (g)_______ pies.
S: That’s a lot of pies! But they’re easy to make.
D: Well, if we have leftovers, we can eat them!
S: I like how you think! Now, for drinks . . .
•be allergic to shellfish = 甲殻類にアレルギーがある
•stick with A = 従来通りAをする
•It’s not A without B = Bがないと、AはAらしくない
•RSVP = 出欠の返事をする
•leftovers = (食事などの) 残り物
Step 2: Listen to the audio and fill in the blanks with the words you hear.
The following is a conversation between
Sue and her husband, Dan.
S: We need to plan Thanksgiving dinner. Emma is coming, and she's a (a)vegetarian now.
D: And don’t forget my brother Mike is allergic to shellfish.
S: That won’t be a (b)problem. A traditional Thanksgiving dinner doesn't include shellfish.
D: Oh, that’s right. I wasn’t thinking.
S: So, the main dish will be turkey, of course, but we need a meatless main dish for Emma.
D: How about something with mushrooms? They have a (c)meaty flavor, and I know she loves them.
S: Oh! I saw a good recipe for stuffed mushrooms online. I think I (d)bookmarked it. I’ll look for it later.
D: Are we having the usual (e)sides, too?
S: Yes, everyone will be expecting them. But let’s add some roasted vegetables. I love them, and I think Emma will, too.
D: OK. And for dessert, are we sticking with pumpkin pie?
S: Of course! It’s not Thanksgiving without it! But we need four or five pies. There’ll be 21 people for sure — maybe 23.
D: Who hasn’t RSVPed yet?
S: Aunt Peg and Uncle Joe. They get back from Spain tomorrow, so I (f)expect to hear from them soon.
D: OK, so I’ll write down three pumpkin pies and
three (g)apple pies.
S: That’s a lot of pies! But they’re easy to make.
D: Well, if we have leftovers, we can eat them!
S: I like how you think! Now, for drinks . . .
Listen Carefully 1024
Step1: Read the article as it is.
The following is a video about traveling.
Welcome back to my channel! Today I want to talk about one of the best travel hacks—packing cubes, those small, zippered bags that fit neatly in a suitcase. I've been using packing cubes for a few (a)_______ now, and I’m never going back to my old ways! I used to just throw everything into my (b)_______, and by the time I got to my destination, my clothes were wrinkled and everything was a mess. But now, with the packing cubes, my (c)_______ don’t move around, so they stay wrinkle-free. Plus, I can easily find what I need without having to dig through my suitcase. Packing cubes come in sets of different (d)_______. I use one for each different category—pants, shirts, (e)_______, and dirty laundry. If I’m going to the beach or a special event, I pack an extra cube with everything I need for that. Cubes make it so easy to keep everything (f)_______ and organized. By the way, I know some people pack each outfit in a separate cube, but I don’t recommend that. First, it’s a waste of space. Second, it’s not (g)_______ if you like to mix and match tops and bottoms or if you rewear many items. Why don’t you give packing cubes a try? If you do, let me know in the comments what you think. Thanks for watching and happy traveling!
•hack = こつ
•one’s old ways = 古いやり方
•destination = 行き先
•wrinkled = しわだらけだ
•a mess = ひどい状態
•dig through A = Aに手を突っ込んで探す
•outfit = ひとそろいの衣服
•mix and match = 組み合わせる
Step 2: Listen to the audio and fill in the blanks with the words you hear.
The following is a video about traveling.
Welcome back to my channel! Today I want to talk about one of the best travel hacks—packing cubes, those small, zippered bags that fit neatly in a suitcase. I've been using packing cubes for a few (a)years now, and I’m never going back to my old ways! I used to just throw everything into my (b)suitcase, and by the time I got to my destination, my clothes were wrinkled and everything was a mess. But now, with the packing cubes, my (c)clothes don’t move around, so they stay wrinkle-free. Plus, I can easily find what I need without having to dig through my suitcase. Packing cubes come in sets of different (d)sizes. I use one for each different category—pants, shirts, (e)underwear, and dirty laundry. If I’m going to the beach or a special event, I pack an extra cube with everything I need for that. Cubes make it so easy to keep everything (f)separate and organized. By the way, I know some people pack each outfit in a separate cube, but I don’t recommend that. First, it’s a waste of space. Second, it’s not (g)convenient if you like to mix and match tops and bottoms or if you rewear many items. Why don’t you give packing cubes a try? If you do, let me know in the comments what you think. Thanks for watching and happy traveling!
Listen Carefully 0924
Step1: Read the article as it is.
The following is a news report.
A 34-year-old man from Texas has been fined $7,500 after his disruptive behavior forced an (a)_______ landing during a flight from Los Angeles to (b)_______. The incident, which happened in June 2023, was reported to the pilot, who then diverted the plane to Denver International Airport. When the plane landed, the disruptive man was arrested by police. A spokesman for the airline said the man was intoxicated and refused to follow the (c)_______ instructions. His behavior caused the pilot to dump fuel and land the plane early. He pleaded guilty to disorderly conduct and endangering passenger (d)_______. In addition to the fine, he must repay the (e)_______ $6,200 for operational costs. A spokesperson for the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) said, “Disruptive actions in the air put everyone at risk, and offenders will face serious (f)_______.” Airlines have reported an (g)_______ in unruly passenger incidents. The FAA has received over 900 reports so far this year.
•be fined = 罰金が科される
•disruptive = 破壊的な
•behavior = 行為
•incident = 事件, 出来事
•divert (a plane) = (飛行機を)迂回させる
•be intoxicated = 酔っている = be drunk
•dump fuel = 燃料放出する
•plead guilty = 有罪を認める
•disorderly conduct = 治安紊乱行為
•offender = 違反者
Step 2: Listen to the audio and fill in the blanks with the words you hear.
The following is a news report.
A 34-year-old man from Texas has been fined $7,500 after his disruptive behavior forced an (a)emergency landing during a flight from Los Angeles to (b)Miami. The incident, which happened in June 2023, was reported to the pilot, who then diverted the plane to Denver International Airport. When the plane landed, the disruptive man was arrested by police. A spokesman for the airline said the man was intoxicated and refused to follow the (c)crew's instructions. His behavior caused the pilot to dump fuel and land the plane early. He pleaded guilty to disorderly conduct and endangering passenger (d)safety. In addition to the fine, he must repay the (e)airline $6,200 for operational costs. A spokesperson for the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) said, “Disruptive actions in the air put everyone at risk, and offenders will face serious (f)penalties.” Airlines have reported an (g)increase in unruly passenger incidents. The FAA has received over 900 reports so far this year.
Listen Carefully 0724
Step1: Read the article as it is.
The following is a public service announcement.
When your car engine starts to overheat, a warning light tells you that if you keep driving, you’ll damage your engine. When your body begins to overheat, there are (a)_______ signs too, such as weakness, nausea or dizziness, a weak but fast heartbeat, excessive sweating, and pale, clammy skin. These signs of heat exhaustion are telling you to (a)_______ what you’re doing and move to a cooler area, drink water or (a)_______ drinks, and take a cool shower, if possible. Everyone is at risk of heat exhaustion when the temperature is high, especially when the humidity is high too. And if the symptoms are ignored, heat exhaustion can lead to heatstroke, which is a far more (a)_______ condition. Symptoms include a body (a)_______ of 40°C or more; fast breathing and a fast heartbeat; hot, dry, red skin; confusion or loss of consciousness. Heatstroke can lead to organ damage, brain (a)_______, or even death if not treated quickly. To prevent heatstroke, drink lots of water, don’t exercise during the hottest hours, wear light, loose-fitting (a)_______, and never leave a child or pet in a parked car. If someone shows signs of heatstroke, call an ambulance immediately and try to lower their body temperature. Stay safe and stay cool!
•nausea or dizziness = 吐き気や目まい
•excessive sweating = 過度の発汗
•pale, clammy skin = 青白くべとべとした肌
•heat exhaustion = (軽度の)熱中症
•humidity = 湿度
•ignore the symptoms = (病気の) 兆候を無視する
•heatstroke = 熱射病
•condition = 病気, 疾患
•loss of consciousness = 意識消失
•organ damage = 臓器障害
•prevent A = Aを防ぐ, Aを予防する
•ambulance = 救急車
Step 2: Listen to the audio and fill in the blanks with the words you hear.
The following is a public service announcement.
When your car engine starts to overheat, a warning light tells you that if you keep driving, you’ll damage your engine. When your body begins to overheat, there are (a)warning signs too, such as weakness, nausea or dizziness, a weak but fast heartbeat, excessive sweating, and pale, clammy skin. These signs of heat exhaustion are telling you to (b)stop what you’re doing and move to a cooler area, drink water or (c)sports drinks, and take a cool shower, if possible. Everyone is at risk of heat exhaustion when the temperature is high, especially when the humidity is high too. And if the symptoms are ignored, heat exhaustion can lead to heatstroke, which is a far more (d)dangerous condition. Symptoms include a body (e)temperature of 40°C or more; fast breathing and a fast heartbeat; hot, dry, red skin; confusion or loss of consciousness. Heatstroke can lead to organ damage, brain (f)damage, or even death if not treated quickly. To prevent heatstroke, drink lots of water, don’t exercise during the hottest hours, wear light, loose-fitting (g)clothes, and never leave a child or pet in a parked car. If someone shows signs of heatstroke, call an ambulance immediately and try to lower their body temperature. Stay safe and stay cool!
Listen Carefully 0824
Step1: Read the article as it is.
The following is from a morning news show.
Summer is here, and it seems like everyone you know is taking an exciting (a)_______. If you feel like you can’t afford to* have any fun this summer, you’re (b)_______! You don’t have to stay at home all summer to save money. You can have lots of summer fun without breaking the bank*. Why don’t you check out* one of the art festivals or music festivals in your area? At most outdoor festivals, admission* is (c)_______! Or maybe you’d like to visit a water park or amusement park. (d)_______ to the big, famous parks can be expensive, but the smaller, local parks are cheaper, and you can find (e)_______ online for most of the parks. If you like driving, you could pack up the car and take a road trip* to a national park! Yes, gas prices are high, but a tank of gas is much (f)_______ than flying the family across the country. And there’s no need to pay big bucks* for a fancy hotel*. Ask if you can stay with family or friends, or stay at a motel or (g)_______. If you use your imagination, you can find affordable* ways to have some summer fun.
•can afford to do = 〜をする余裕がある
•break the bank = 持っている以上のお金を使う
•check out A / check A out = 行ってみる
•admission = 入場
•take a road trip = 車で旅行に出かける
•pay big bucks = 大金を払う
•fancy hotel = 高級ホテル
•affordable = 手頃な
Step 2: Listen to the audio and fill in the blanks with the words you hear.
The following is from a morning news show.
Summer is here, and it seems like everyone you know is taking an exciting (a)vacation. If you feel like you can’t afford to* have any fun this summer, you’re (b)wrong! You don’t have to stay at home all summer to save money. You can have lots of summer fun without breaking the bank*. Why don’t you check out* one of the art festivals or music festivals in your area? At most outdoor festivals, admission* is (c)free! Or maybe you’d like to visit a water park or amusement park. (d)Admission to the big, famous parks can be expensive, but the smaller, local parks are cheaper, and you can find (e)discounts online for most of the parks. If you like driving, you could pack up the car and take a road trip* to a national park! Yes, gas prices are high, but a tank of gas is much (f)cheaper than flying the family across the country. And there’s no need to pay big bucks* for a fancy hotel*. Ask if you can stay with family or friends, or stay at a motel or (g)campground. If you use your imagination, you can find affordable* ways to have some summer fun.
Listen Carefully 0624
Step1: Read the article as it is.
The following is a news report about airport and flight security.
The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has introduced new security measures* to ensure* the (a)_______ of all travelers. Passengers on international flights should be prepared for thorough inspections* of their carry-on bags. All carry-on items may be searched by (b)_______, and items may be tested for traces of* explosive (c)_______. Additionally, travelers themselves may experience thorough pat-downs* at security checkpoints. While on board, passengers on both domestic and (d)_______ flights must follow strict regulations for the final hour of their flight. During this time, everyone must remain seated*, and the use of lavatories* will not be allowed. At this time all personal items, including (e)_______ devices, books and blankets, must be securely stowed*. These measures are designed for safety and are subject to (f)_______. Passengers are encouraged* to stay informed about the latest security guidelines and to cooperate fully with TSA (g)_______ for a smooth and safe travel experience.
•measure = 対策
•ensure A = Aを保証する
•thorough inspection = 徹底的な検査
•traces of A = Aの痕跡
•pat-down = ボディーチェック
•remain seated = 座ったままでいる
•lavatory = (飛行機の)トイレ
•stow = しまう
•encourage someone to do = 人に~するように勧める
Step 2: Listen to the audio and fill in the blanks with the words you hear.
The following is a news report about airport and flight security.
The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has introduced new security measures* to ensure* the (a)safety of all travelers. Passengers on international flights should be prepared for thorough inspections* of their carry-on bags. All carry-on items may be searched by (b)hand, and items may be tested for traces of* explosive (c)materials. Additionally, travelers themselves may experience thorough pat-downs* at security checkpoints. While on board, passengers on both domestic and (d)international flights must follow strict regulations for the final hour of their flight. During this time, everyone must remain seated*, and the use of lavatories* will not be allowed. At this time all personal items, including (e)electronic devices, books and blankets, must be securely stowed*. These measures are designed for safety and are subject to (f)change. Passengers are encouraged* to stay informed about the latest security guidelines and to cooperate fully with TSA (g)officers for a smooth and safe travel experience.
Listen Carefully 0524
Step1: Read the article as it is.
The following is a health news report.
Everyone has heard the saying* “An (a)_______ a day keeps the doctor away,” and now (b)_______ is backing that up*. In a study, 160 women aged 45 to 65 were made to eat either 75 grams of dried apples or 100 grams of (c)_______each day for a year. Only the women who ate dried apples lowered their bad LDL cholesterol levels by 23% while (d)_______ their good HDL cholesterol by 4%. And though the dried fruit snacks added 240 calories a day to their diets*, this did not lead to weight (e)_______. In fact, the women (f)_______ 3.3 pounds, or approximately* 1.5 kilograms, on average. Doctors warn that while apples may be a natural way to lower cholesterol, patients should not stop taking their cholesterol medicine or make changes in the dosage* of medicine they take without first discussing it with their (g)_______.
•saying = ことわざ
•back A up = Aを裏付ける
•diet = 日常の飲食物, 食生活
•approximately = おおよそ, ほぼ, 約
•dosage =(薬の)用量, (薬の)1回分
Step 2: Listen to the audio and fill in the blanks with the words you hear.
The following is an announcement heard in a shopping mall. .
Everyone has heard the saying* “An (a)apple a day keeps the doctor away,” and now (b)research is backing that up*. In a study, 160 women aged 45 to 65 were made to eat either 75 grams of dried apples or 100 grams of (c)prunes each day for a year. Only the women who ate dried apples lowered their bad LDL cholesterol levels by 23% while (d)raising their good HDL cholesterol by 4%. And though the dried fruit snacks added 240 calories a day to their diets*, this did not lead to weight (e)gain. In fact, the women (f)lost 3.3 pounds, or approximately* 1.5 kilograms, on average. Doctors warn that while apples may be a natural way to lower cholesterol, patients should not stop taking their cholesterol medicine or make changes in the dosage* of medicine they take without first discussing it with their (g)doctors.
Listen Carefully 0424
Step1: Read the article as it is.
The following is an announcement heard in a shopping mall.
Attention Fairview Mall shoppers! We are sorry to have to inform* you that a (a)_______ car has been involved in a minor accident* in one of Fairview Mall’s parking (b)_______. Our security personnel* have reported that the vehicle*, a dark (c)_______ Honda Accord with license plate* number G-3-N-1-U-5, has been slightly* damaged. The accident occurred on Level (d)_______, in section B of the south parking garage. If you are the owner of this vehicle, please come to the customer service (e)_______ in the center of the mall to receive further information regarding* the accident. Once again, that’s a dark gray Honda Accord with license plate number G-3-N-1-U-5. Thank you all for your (f)_______. Fairview Mall remains committed to providing a (g)_______ and secure environment for all of our customers.
•inform A = Aに知らせる
•be involved in an accident = 事故に巻き込まれる
•personnel = 職員, 社員
•vehicle = 乗り物, 車
•license plate = ナンバープレート
•slightly = わずかに
•regarding A = Aに関して, Aについて
Step 2: Listen to the audio and fill in the blanks with the words you hear.
The following is an announcement heard in a shopping mall. .
Attention Fairview Mall shoppers! We are sorry to have to inform* you that a (a)parked car has been involved in a minor accident* in one of Fairview Mall’s parking (b)garages. Our security personnel* have reported that the vehicle*, a dark (c)gray Honda Accord with license plate* number G-3-N-1-U-5, has been slightly* damaged. The accident occurred on Level (d)3, in section B of the south parking garage. If you are the owner of this vehicle, please come to the customer service (e)desk in the center of the mall to receive further information regarding* the accident. Once again, that’s a dark gray Honda Accord with license plate number G-3-N-1-U-5. Thank you all for your (f)attention. Fairview Mall remains committed to providing a (g)safe and secure environment for all of our customers.
Listen Carefully 0324
Step1: Read the article as it is.
The following is a PSA* on the radio .
Cherry blossom season is almost here! We all want to enjoy the cherry blossoms in our own way. For some, that means (a)_______ under the cherry blossoms, for some it means cycling along a tree-lined river, and for others it means having a hanami party in a public park. No matter how you plan to take in the cherry blossoms, remember some simple (b)_______ . First, check when and where to go for the best (c)_______ of cherry blossoms in your area. When you get there, set up your picnic space, but be sure to give others enough (d)_______ , too. Don’t get too close to others and don’t block walkways. If you’re walking under the cherry blossoms, be careful not to (e)_______ on others’ picnic sheets. Once your party has started, remember to keep it down. Of course you’re there to eat, drink and talk, but don't drink too much and don’t (f)_______ too loud. If you want to play music, don’t play it so loud that it annoys others. In crowded areas, ask those around you if it’s OK with them before you play music. When taking photos, respect the delicate flowers. Don't (g)_______ cherry blossoms or try to climb the trees — you may damage the trees. Finally, keep the park clean. Be sure to dispose of your trash properly, and don't leave anything behind. If everyone acts responsibly, we’ll all have a great hanami season!
•PSA = public service announcement = 公共広告
•tree-lined A = 並木のあるA
•take in A = A〔美しい自然など〕を楽しむ
•keep it [the noise] down = 静かにする
•annoy someone = 人をいらいらさせる
•respect A = Aを大切にする
•dispose of A = Aを捨てる
Step 2: Listen to the audio and fill in the blanks with the words you hear.
The following is a PSA* on the radio.
Cherry blossom season is almost here! We all want to enjoy the cherry blossoms in our own way. For some, that means (a)walking under the cherry blossoms, for some it means cycling along a tree-lined river, and for others it means having a hanami party in a public park. No matter how you plan to take in the cherry blossoms, remember some simple (b)rules. First, check when and where to go for the best (c)views of cherry blossoms in your area. When you get there, set up your picnic space, but be sure to give others enough (d)room, too. Don’t get too close to others and don’t block walkways. If you’re walking under the cherry blossoms, be careful not to (e)step on others’ picnic sheets. Once your party has started, remember to keep it down. Of course you’re there to eat, drink and talk, but don't drink too much and don’t (f)talk too loud. If you want to play music, don’t play it so loud that it annoys others. In crowded areas, ask those around you if it’s OK with them before you play music. When taking photos, respect the delicate flowers. Don't (g)pick cherry blossoms or try to climb the trees — you may damage the trees. Finally, keep the park clean. Be sure to dispose of your trash properly, and don't leave anything behind. If everyone acts responsibly, we’ll all have a great hanami season!
Listen Carefully 0224
Step1: Read the article as it is.
The following is a news report promoting an ongoing* event .
Hello! It’s Amy Pierce, and I’m here at Winter Fest 2024, which kicked off* on Saturday, February 3rd, with a spectacular* opening ceremony. As always, the Snow King, the adorable* polar bear you see behind me, is the official mascot of this amazing (a)_______-week-long festival. Some of the highlights yet to come* are live concerts, an (b)_______ dance party, the snow (c)_______, dogsled* rides, sleigh* rides, and an outdoor (d)_______. Plus the international snow sculpture* show is open every day during the festival. Over there you can see some of the fun and crazy games! Those (e)_______ look like they’re having fun. But adults are welcome to play, too! So come on down, and bring the whole family. But dress warmly! Temperatures will be f)_______ freezing for the rest of the week. If you missed the opening ceremony, don’t worry! The (g)_______ ceremony will be just as spectacular! It will be held on February 18th, that’s one week from today*. For more information, go to the URL on your screen. I hope to see you here!
•ongoing = 行われている
•kick off = 始まる
•spectacular = 壮大な, 壮観な, 華々しい
•adorable = かわいらしい
•yet to come = まだこれからだ
•dogsled = 犬ぞり
•sleigh = そり
•snow sculpture = 雪像
•a week from today = 来週の今日
Step 2: Listen to the audio and fill in the blanks with the words you hear.
The following is a news report about Christmas tree collection.
Hello! It’s Amy Pierce, and I’m here at Winter Fest 2024, which kicked off* on Saturday, February 3rd, with a spectacular* opening ceremony. As always, the Snow King, the adorable* polar bear you see behind me, is the official mascot of this amazing (a)two-week-long festival. Some of the highlights yet to come* are live concerts, an (b)outdoor dance party, the snow (c)bath, dogsled* rides, sleigh* rides, and an outdoor (d)barbecue. Plus the international snow sculpture* show is open every day during the festival. Over there you can see some of the fun and crazy games! Those (e)kids look like they’re having fun. But adults are welcome to play, too! So come on down, and bring the whole family. But dress warmly! Temperatures will be f)below freezing for the rest of the week. If you missed the opening ceremony, don’t worry! The (g)closing ceremony will be just as spectacular! It will be held on February 18th, that’s one week from today*. For more information, go to the URL on your screen. I hope to see you here!
Listen Carefully 0124
Step1: Read the article as it is.
The following is a news report about Christmas tree collection.
Get ready, Fairtown! Christmas tree pickup starts soon. I know, it’s always sad to say (a)_______ to your tree, but it’s almost time. Christmas tree collection starts next week! Crews will pick up trees on the first and third (b)_______ of January. That means January 2nd and 16th. Remember, this pickup is separate from your regular trash days. To make sure your tree gets picked up, put it by the curb* before (c)_______ AM on the Tuesday of collection week. But before that, be sure to take off all of the decorations, (d)_______, nails, and stands. And don't bag up* your tree; leave it bare*. We asked Mayor Brown about tree pickup. He emphasized* that the pickup crew will not take your tree if the the tree is not (e)_______, and that once the pickup crew finishes a street, they won't come back. So following the rules will ensure* that your tree will be collected on the date you’ve (f)_______. And there’s no need to feel sorry for your tree, because it will have a second life! The trees will be taken to the recycling center, where they’ll be recycled into wood chips! You can pick up some for use in your own (g)_______ anytime after February 1st. Fairtown’s Christmas tree pickup isn't just good for our streets, it's good for the environment, too!
•curb = 歩道の縁石
•bag up A = Aを袋に入れる
•bare = (飾りなど)何もついていない
•emphasize that SV = 〜であると強調する
•ensure that SV = 確実に〜であるようにする
Step 2: Listen to the audio and fill in the blanks with the words you hear.
The following is a news report about Christmas tree collection.
Get ready, Fairtown! Christmas tree pickup starts soon. I know, it’s always sad to say (a)goodbye to your tree, but it’s almost time. Christmas tree collection starts next week! Crews will pick up trees on the first and third (b)Tuesdays of January. That means January 2nd and 16th. Remember, this pickup is separate from your regular trash days. To make sure your tree gets picked up, put it by the curb* before (c)7:00 AM on the Tuesday of collection week. But before that, be sure to take off all of the decorations, (d)lights, nails, and stands. And don't bag up* your tree; leave it bare*. We asked Mayor Brown about tree pickup. He emphasized* that the pickup crew will not take your tree if the the tree is not (e)bare, and that once the pickup crew finishes a street, they won't come back. So following the rules will ensure* that your tree will be collected on the date you’ve (f)chosen. And there’s no need to feel sorry for your tree, because it will have a second life! The trees will be taken to the recycling center, where they’ll be recycled into wood chips! You can pick up some for use in your own (g)garden anytime after February 1st. Fairtown’s Christmas tree pickup isn't just good for our streets, it's good for the environment, too!