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essays by claire 


December 2020

 Q:  Should smoking be banned in restaurants?

I think that smoking should be banned in restaurants. I have two reasons to support my opinion. Firstly, smoking harms not only the smoker but also those around them, which is why smoking has been banned in hospitals, shopping malls, and other public spaces. Nonsmokers have the right to eat at restaurants without being harmed by secondhand smoke. Secondly, as the number of spaces where smoking is allowed decreases, some smokers may choose to quit smoking due to the inconvenience. For the reasons stated above, I think that banning smoking in restaurants would be beneficial to society. 

Essay Dec. 2020 - page 9

 Q: 飲食店で喫煙は禁煙にすべきか?





October 2020

 Q: Do you believe that people will depend more on self-driving cars in the future?

Yes, I believe that people will depend more on self-driving cars in the future.   I have two reasons to support my opinion.  For my first reason, large companies, such as Google and Tesla, have already embraced the technology of self-driving cars, and the influence of these behemoths is likely to speed up development of this technology. For my second reason, as suburban areas expand, workers will have to commute longer and longer distances to work. The use of self-driving cars will allow workers to use their commuting time more efficiently. For these two reasons, I believe that self-driving cars will be used more extensively in the future.

Essay Oct. 2020 - page 9

The Japanese version is coming soon!




August 2020

 Q: Do you agree that the Internet has made people more socially isolated?

I disagree with the idea that the Internet has made people more socially isolated. Over the past decade, there has been a significant increase in the number of social media services and applications. This rapid growth has given people the opportunity to communicate more frequently and in greater detail, and many now use the Internet as their primary method of communication. Furthermore, due to the recent coronavirus pandemic, many people have been required to stay home from work or school. However, thanks to the Internet, those who are physically isolated are able to keep in contact with others. In these ways, the Internet helps us build bridges and connect with others.

Essay Aug. 2020 - page 9

Q: インターネットが人々を社会的に孤立させてきたという意見に賛成ですか?




June 2020

 Q: Should children under fifteen be allowed to hold jobs?

I do not believe that children under fifteen should be allowed to hold jobs. I will give two reasons to support my opinion. My first reason is that, generally, education is compulsory through this age. Students are already busy with club activities and homework. Working may negatively impact their education. My second reason is that children this age are not only developing not only physically but also emotionally. It is of the utmost importance for them to use this time to focus on their emotional and social growth. For these two reasons, I believe that children under fifteen shouldn’t be allowed to hold jobs.

Essay Jun. 2020 - page 9


Q: 15歳以下の児童労働は許されるべきか。




April 2020

 Q: Should the death penalty be used to punish violent criminals?    

I believe that the death penalty should be used to punish violent criminals. I have two reasons to support my opinion.  First of all, housing prisoners for long periods of time, in some cases for the rest of their lives, costs large amounts of money.  This puts an unfair burden on taxpayers, who should not have to pay to support people who break society’s rules.  Second of all, the death penalty may deter people from committing serious crimes. Without the threat of the death penalty,  criminals can look forward to getting out at some point down the road.  For the reasons stated above, I believe we should use the death penalty to punish violent criminals.

Essay Apr. 2020 - page 9


Q: 暴力犯罪者を処罰するために死刑を利用すべきですか?




February 2020

 Q: Should students have to wear uniforms to school?    

I believe that students should have to wear uniforms. I have two reasons to support my opinion. First, if students are required to wear uniforms to school, rather than their own outfits, then the time needed to get ready in the morning will be greatly reduced. This will remove a potential source of stress, allowing students to focus on eating a healthy breakfast and preparing for the school day ahead. Second, a mandatory school uniform will foster a sense of community among the student body. As all of the students will be wearing identical clothes, no one will be excluded or bullied due to their style of dress, which will help to create an inclusive atmosphere. For the above reasons, I believe that students should have to wear uniforms.

Essay Feb. 2020 - page 9


Q: 学生は制服を着るべきですか?



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