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Very funny. =[皮肉] 全然面白くない  

1:  A: Why don't you ask Bob to help?

     B: Very funny.  I wouldn't ask him if he were the last person on earth. 

2:  A: Hi! I like the new hairstyle!

     B: Very funny.  Someone stole my umbrella, so I had to walk here in the rain. 


elderly=年配の [oldの丁寧な言い方] 

1:  There are always a lot of elderly women at my church on Sundays. 

2:  The elderly gentleman who lives next door to us is always kind to our kids.


try on / try  on = ~を着てみる, ~を履いてみる, ~をかぶってみる

1:  Excuse me, where can I try this dress on? 

2:  I tried on ten pairs of jeans before I found one that fit me.


tricky=やりにくい, 扱いにくい, 用心の必要な 

1:  This next dance step is a bit tricky. 

2:  Managing the schedules for my four kids is tricky. 

3:  That race course has a lot of tricky corners. 


hay fever=花粉症

1:  You have a runny nose and itchy eyes?  I think you have hay fever.

2:  I used to love spring, but now my hay fever is so bad that I can't enjoy the flowers.


do the dog paddle = 犬かきで泳ぐ 

1:  I can't swim at all.  I can't even do the dog paddle. 

2:  When I started taking swimming lessons, I could barely do the dog paddle.


(un)saturated fat = (不)飽和脂肪

1:  No butter, please.  I'm trying to eat less saturated fat.

2:  Peanut butter contains about 80% unsaturated fat.


go with one's gut=直観でやる, 直感を信じる

1:  Don't overthink it.  Just go with your gut. 

2:  Of course I looked at all the facts, but in the end I went with my gut.


neighbor across the street[hall] =  通り[廊下]を隔てた隣人  

1:  I often see my neighbor across the street working in his garden.

2:  My neighbors across the street are having their fence repaired.


lose-lose = 双方に不利な 

1:  I think it's a lose-lose situation.  There will be no winner. 

2:  A: What do you think of the proposed law?

     B: I think it's a lose-lose proposal. There must be a better idea.


relatively=他と比べて, 比較的に 

1:  I want a used car, but I'm looking for something relatively new.

2:  This is an expensive neighborhood, but our apartment is relatively cheap.


freshen up=入浴する, 化粧を直す, 着替える, さっぱりする

1:  After such a long flight, we'll probably want to freshen up before we go to the conference. 

2:  I just got to my hotel.  Let me freshen up, and then I'll meet you for dinner.


one's eyes glaze over= 目がどんよりする

1:  When the teacher explains difficult math problems, my eyes glaze over. 

2:  I knew he wasn't listening to me because his eyes had glazed over. 



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pub crawl = はしご酒イベント

1: I'm new to the city, so I went on a pub crawl to meet people.

2: Let's organize a St. Patrick's Day pub crawl and go to only Irish pubs!


skip A = ~をサボる, ~を抜く, ~飛ばして次へ進む

1: He got in trouble for skipping class.

2: I'm hungry. I skipped breakfast because I woke up late.


I'm (so) proud of you! = よくがんばったね!/ すごい!/ 偉いね!

1: A: Guess what! I got into the University of Tokyo!

     B: That's great! I'm so proud of you!

2: A: I ran my first marathon last weekend. I was slow, but I finished!

     B: I knew you could do it. I'm so proud of you!


the next-to-last A= 最後から2番目のA、最終の一つ手前のA

1: I fell asleep on the train and woke up at the next-to-last stop.

2: John's coworkers had a goodbye party for him on his next-to-last day.


safe and sound=無事に

1: We had to drive through a bad snowstorm, but we made it home safe and sound.

2: The missing boy was found safe and sound in a neighbor's backyard.


make a wish= 願い事をする

1: Before you blow out the candles, you have to make a wish!

2: A: What did you wish for? 

    B: I can't tell you. When you make a wish, you can't tell anyone or it won't come true.


flunk a test [a class] =試験[科目]を落とす

1: She flunked the final exam, so she flunked English.

2: The test was too hard. Half of the class flunked it.



1. A: What's wrong with Bill?

     B: He has a bad hangover.

2: I always get a hangover when I drink red wine. 


pass with flying colors=立派に合格する

1: She practiced and practiced, so she passed her driver's test with flying colors.

2: A: How did you do on the entrance exam?

    A: I passed with flying colors.


say when=[相手に食べ物や飲み物を出す時に]いい時に言ってください。

1: A: More wine?

    B: Sure. 

    A: OK, say when.

    B: That's good [That's enough].

2: A: Want some whipped cream on your apple pie?

    B: Just a little.

    A: OK, say when.

    B: When!


every corner of (the earth/the globe/the planet) = (世界の)隅々

1. I want to travel to every corner of the earth before I die.

2: At that event, I met students from every corner of the world.


the man upstairs = 神 [=an informal name for God]  

1:  I survived the accident because the man upstairs was watching over me!

2:  A: I wonder what will happen in the future. 

     B: Nobody knows except the man upstairs!


upstairs[downstairs] neighbor =上の階[下の階]に住む隣人  

1:  I'm lucky my upstairs neighbors are very quiet.

2:  My bathtub overflowed and the water leaked into my downstairs neighbor's bathroom. 


dreary = 物悲しい, うっとうしい, 憂鬱な 

1:  It's dark and cloudy again. We've had one dreary day after another this winter.

2:  We remodeled our dreary kitchen. We put in a window and painted the walls and cabinets white. 


play clothes=普段着  

1:  Go put on your play clothes! Daddy's going to take you to the park.

2:  As soon as he heard that school was canceled, he ran to his room to change into his play clothes.

a nothingburger  = 中身のないもの, 人が騒いでいるけどささいなこと

1:  The media made it sound like a big scandal, but in the end, it was a big nothingburger.

2:  Our boss said there would be a big announcement on Monday.  It turned out to be a nothingburger.  He just introduced a new employee.

Feb. 04, 2018


as far as I know=私の知る限りでは 

1:  A: The report is due on the 10th, right?

     B: Yes, as far as I know, nothing has changed.

2:  A: Will I need my I.D.?

     B: No, not as far as I know. But you might want to bring it just in case.


kitty-corner(ed)/catty-corner(ed)/cater-corner(ed) = 斜め向かいの[に],はすかいの[に] 

1:  The bank is on Main St. and Oak St. kitty-corner from the post office.

2:  We had lunch at a nice cafe catty-corner from our hotel.

3: The kids walked kitty-corner through the playground.  


rusty = さびついた, 鈍くなった 

1:  I'm worried about my upcoming trip to Spain.  My Spanish is pretty rusty.

2:  Go easy on me!  I haven't played tennis in a while, so I'm a little rusty.


on earth = 一体 

1:  I'm ready to go, but I can't find my keys.  Where on earth did I put them?

2:  How on earth did that poor dog find its way home?


next-door neighbor = 隣人, 隣の家[アパート]の人 

1:  I have to watch my next-door neighbor's dog this weekend.

2:  I haven't met my new next-door neighbors.  They just moved in last week.


not stick/not accumulate = 積もらない 

1:  It's snowing, but it's not sticking.

2:  It snowed last night, but it melted right away.  It didn't accumulate.


tickle = くすぐったい, ~をくすぐる  

1:  Stop it!  That tickles! 

2:  I can't wear that fuzzy scarf.  It tickles my neck.


ticklish =くすぐったがる

1:  A: Are you ticklish?

     B: Yes, especially on my sides and my neck.

2:  I don't like to get a foot massage.  I'm too ticklish!


a bad hair day =髪型が決まらない日, 朝から何をやってもうまくいかない日

1: Oh, no!  I just broke my glasses!  I'm having a bad hair day.

2:  A: I woke up late, my bike had a flat tire, and now my cellphone battery is dead.

     B: Sounds like a bad hair day.


ace A =楽々とAを合格する, 簡単にAで良い成績を取る, 楽々とAをこなす 

1:  He wasn't worried about the test.  He knew he would ace it.

2:  A: How did her audition go?

     B: She aced it!  She's going to be in a Broadway musical!


Sure thing! = 勿論!/  どういたしまして!/ そうだね. 

1:  A: Do you want to go with us?

     B: Sure thing!

2:  A: Thanks for helping me with that.

     B: Sure thing! Anytime.  

3: A: I guess I'll see you here next week. 

     B: Sure thing.


sibling rivalry = きょうだい間の競争意識   [sibling= きょうだい  + rivalry=抗争]

1:  She has three boys ages 8, 9 and 10, so there's a lot of sibling rivalry.

2:  Their parents try hard to treat the kids equally so that there is no jealousy or sibling rivalry.


do away with A = 廃止する, 排除する, 殺す  

1: Our company is going to do away with the out-dated policy.

2:  The school is considering doing away with uniforms.

3:  The evil king ordered guards to do away with the prisoner.


instagrammable/insta worthy = インスタ映え

1:  That restaurant is popular with young people because the food is so instagrammable.

2: I think the most insta-worthy place is Tokyo!  I took a million pictures. 


spoiler alert=ネタバレ注意  

1:  I didn't like that book because (spoiler alert) the hero dies in the end. 

2:  That movie was so good!  I cried when (spoiler alert) the mother finds her son.

   Jan 04, 2018


wish someone =人の~を祈る

1:  I wish you success in your new job.

2:  I wish you happiness, good health, and prosperity in 2018.



1:  I didn't have time to buy a gift, so I regifted a nice bottle of red wine.  2:  At the company party, Carol regifted the coffee mug I gave her last year!

festive=お祝いの, お祭り気分の,  にぎやかな 

1:  At the Christmas market, everyone was in a festive mood. 

2:  What I like most about Christmas is the festive lights and decorations.


rat on someone = 人を裏切る, 人のことを密告する 

1:  The police caught him because his partner ratted on him. 

2:  A: How did your mom find out you had skipped school?  

     B: My little brother ratted on me.


kiss someone goodnight=人におやすみのキスをする  

1:  It's time for bed, kids.  Go and kiss your daddy goodnight. 

2:  My parents have been married for 40 years, but they still hold hands and kiss each other goodnight every night.


shovel (snow)= 雪かきをする

1:  I wish I lived in Okinawa because I would never have to shovel snow! 

2:  Why don't you go out and help your dad shovel the sidewalk?


first date anniversary/the anniversary of our first date=私たちの最初のデートの記念日 

1: A: What are you two celebrating?

     B: It's our first date anniversary.

2: We celebrate two anniversaries, the anniversary of the day we met and the anniversary of our first date.


Scrooge=Dickens作A Christmas Carolの登場人物の名 / a Scrooge = 守銭奴, クリスマス嫌いの人

1:  My boss makes us come to work early on the day after Christmas, just like Scrooge.

2:  A: I am sick of Christmas songs!

     B: Don't be such a Scrooge!  It's just once a year.


mocktail = mock(偽物の) + cocktail = ノンアルコールのカクテル 

1:  On New Year's Eve, we'll have champagne for the adults and mocktails for the teenagers. 

2:  A: I can't drink because I'm driving.

     B: OK.  I'll make you a martini mocktail.


brain fart = 度忘れ, 理性の一時的喪失  [直訳:脳みそのオナラ] 

1:  I had a brain fart when I was filling out the form and had to look up my own address! 

2:  He couldn't figure out his son's math problem.  He blamed it on a brain fart. 



1:  My cat only meows when he wants food.  

2:  When I say, "I love you," my cat meows at me.



1:  My dog barks at everything that moves, including leaves and bugs.  2:  I heard a dog barking in the middle of the night.


bird feeder = 鳥の餌箱

1:  I need to put more birdseed in the bird feeder. 

2:  Oh, no!  The squirrels have broken the bird feeder again!

Dec. 1, 2017


control freak = 支配欲が強い人, 何でも自分で決めたがる人 

1: I am the way I am because I was raised by a control freak.   

2:  I moved out because I didn't get along with my roommate, who was a total control freak.


Like what? = 例えば? / 例えば、どんなこと? 

1: A: I've got a lot of things to do this weekend.

     B: Like what?

2:  A: I want to make something different for Thanksgiving dinner. 

     B: Like what?


morning sickness = つわり

1:  Did you have morning sickness when you were pregnant? 

2:  My morning sickness was terrible and lasted all day.


productive = 生産的, 実り多き 

1:  Thank you all for your input.  This has been a very productive meeting. 

2:  I put away my summer clothes and organized my office.  It was a very productive day!


my latest obsession = マイブーム 

1:  I made this scarf.  Knitting is my latest obsession.

2:  They gave me shochu for my birthday.  They know it's my latest obsession.


gargle = うがいをする 

1:  I brush my teeth and gargle with mouthwash twice a day.

2:  My doctor told me that gargling can help prevent colds and the flu.


complicated = 複雑, 分かりにくい 

1:  I don't understand the new insurance plan.  It's too complicated.

2:  That movie was great.  The storyline was complicated but thrilling!


a flu shot = インフルエンザの予防接種 

1:  Have you already gotten your flu shot?

2: The CDC recommends that people get a flu vaccine by the end of October, if possible.


notify = 通知する, 知らせる 

1:  Please notify everyone that the meeting has been canceled.

2:  My credit card company notifies me when a large purchase has been made.


upside down = 逆さまに

1:  I see why you're lost.  You're looking at the map upside down.

2:  I store my cups and glasses upside down.


pregnant with ~を身ごもっている, ~を妊娠している, を宿している 

1:  My sister is pregnant with her third child.

2:  When my mom was pregnant with me, she gained 30 pounds.


(be) separated = 別居している 

1:  My husband and I are separated, and the kids live with me.

2:  I put "To Paul and Melissa" on the invitation because I didn't know they were separated.


try = 食べてみて [try to eat/try to drinkとは言わない]

1:  Try this pasta!  It's delicious.

2:  Have you tried the cake Megan made? 

3:  I've never tried that wine.  Is it good?


hiss =(蛇•猫などが)シューと音を立てる

1:  My cat is friendly to me, but she hisses at strangers.

2:  I couldn't see the snake, but I could hear it hissing.


pocket call (n) = 誤発信 / pocket-call (v)=誤発信する 

1:  I got another pocket call from my mom this morning.

2:  A: Did you call me?  

     B: I don't think so.  Oh, I must have pocket-called you.


break into = ~に押し入る 

1:  Someone broke into the hardware store and stole a lot of expensive tools. 

2:  We have strong locks and an alarm system to make sure no one breaks into our house.


in the world = 一体 

1:  You're making so much noise!  What in the world are you doing?

2:  Where in the world is my cell phone?  I had it a minute ago!


sluggish = 怠けた, 不活発, 動きが遅い, 反応が遅い 

1:  I'm sluggish today.  I drank way too much last night. 

2: Business has been sluggish lately.  We need to do something to attract more customers.


slug = ナメクジ, 怠け者 

1:  There are lots of slugs in the garden.

2:  I finished my first marathon!  But I was a slug compared to the other runners.


purr =(猫がゴロゴロと)のどを鳴らす

1:  My cat purrs when I talk to him or brush him.

2:  My cat seemed happy.  He was purring loudly.  Then suddenly he bit me!


one-size-fits-all = フリーサイズの, 万能の, どんな場合でも通用するような 

1:  There is no one-size-fits-all solution.  Each community has to find its own solution.

2:  There's no one-size-fits-all diet.  What works for me might not work for you.


have a touch of the flu=流感気味です 

1:  I skipped the gym today.  I think I have a touch of the flu.

2:  A: I'm tired and I think I have a slight fever.

     B: You may have a touch of the flu.


talk to oneself=独り言を言う 

1:  Are you talking to yourself again, Mom?

2:  A: What?

     B: Nothing.  I was just talking to myself.   

Oct. 1, 2017


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one's stomach growls=おなかがグーグー鳴る 

1:  My stomach growled really loudly during the meeting.

2:  I know it's almost lunchtime because my stomach is growling.



1:  The dog is growling.  Don't go near him. 

2:  I knew there was a bear in our backyard because our dog started growling. 


vehicle=乗り物, 車   

1:  You should not drive a vehicle after taking this medicine.

2:  There are more and more parking lots for electric vehicles. 


greenhouse gasses =温室(効果)ガス  

1:  We are working to decrease greenhouse gasses. 

2:  Scientists agree that greenhouse gasses contribute to global warming.


after-party = 二次会

1:  The concert was great, but the after-party was even better.

2: Some people have both a formal wedding reception and a casual after-party.


sunburn=(ひりひりしたり, 水ぶくれができたりするほどの)日焼け 

1:  I forgot to wear sunscreen to the beach and I got a bad sunburn.

2:  My skin burns easily. I never get a suntan; I just get a sunburn.



1:  I have a suntan because I was working in the garden yesterday. 

2:  When I was young, we often sat by the pool in order to get a tan.


put one's phone on silent (mode)/turn off the (phone) ringer=携帯電話を着信音が鳴らないモードにする 

1:  I forgot to put my phone on silent, and it rang in the middle of a big meeting. 

2: Sorry I missed your call.  I had turned off the ringer before class and forgot to turn it back on.


breadwinner=(一家の)稼ぎ手, 働き手

1:  His parents were sick, so he became the family's only breadwinner.

2:  In those days, the husband was usually the breadwinner of the family.


stopped up=(排水・鼻などが)詰まった

1:  Mom, the kitchen sink is stopped up again! 

2:  My allergies are bad today.  My nose and ears are stopped up.



1:  Even if Congress passes the bill, the president is likely to veto it. 

2:  My husband wanted to go camping, but I vetoed that idea.  We're going to stay in a cabin instead.


a dime a dozen = 余るほどある[いる]、いくらでもある[いる]=直訳:10セントで1ダース買えるほど安い

1:  A: He wants to be an actor.

     B: Here in L.A., guys like that are a dime a dozen.

2:  These days, it's hard for me to make any money because web designers like me are a dime a dozen.



1:  The house was full of cobwebs because no one had lived there for years. 

2:  I hate to go in the basement.  There are cobwebs everywhere! 


outing=お出掛け, 遠足, 外出 [=1日以内]  

1:  On Sundays, we often went on family outings to the zoo or a nearby park.

2:  Once a week I take my grandma on an outing to the mall.  She loves shopping!


nutritionist= 栄養士  

1:  The nutritionist helps patients learn what foods they should or shouldn't eat.

2:  Her nutritionist put her on a special diet to lose weight.


I swear! = 本当だよ!/誓ってもいい。

1:  I didn't tell him about the party. I swear! 

2:  I'm sorry.  I swear I'll never do it again.


state-of-the-art = 最新式の~ 

1:  The new gym will have state-of-the-art exercise equipment. 

2:  We chose this apartment building for safety.  It has a state-of-the-art security system.


a day trip=日帰り旅行  

1:  We both have the whole day off.  Let's take a day trip somewhere! 

2:  We're planning a day trip to Kyoto.  Want to come with us? 



1:  I work as a waitress, so I have to deal with rude customers sometimes.

2:  It's rude to ask a person about how much money he makes. 



a complete[total, perfect] stranger= 赤の他人

1:  She's not shy.  She's always talks to complete strangers on the train or wherever. 

2:  Today when I was walking downtown, a perfect stranger handed me a flower. 


cardio (exercise) = 有酸素運動  

1:  I do cardio every day and lift weights three days a week.

2:  My favorite cardio exercise is cycling.



1:  He was fired for embezzling from the company. 

2:  He had embezzled over a million dollars from the company over a five-year period.


read aloud/read out loud=音読する 

1:  I practiced reading my speech aloud until I could read it smoothly.

2:  The teacher asked the students to take turns reading the poem out loud.


maybe next time=またの機会にでも、また今度誘って  

1: A: Want to go out for drinks after the meeting?

     B: Sorry, I can't.  Maybe next time.

2: A: We're going to the cabin tomorrow.  Why don't you join us?

     B: Sounds great, but I have plans. Maybe next time!


no sign of = ~の兆候がない、~の形跡はない  

1:  There's no sign of rain for the next few days.

2:  The police searched the home but found no sign of forced entry.


out of practice=練習不足である

1:  A: Want to play tennis tomorrow?

     B: Sure, but I'm out of practice, so go easy on me.  

2:  A: You speak Spanish, don't you?

      B: I used to, but I'm out of practice these days.


health scare=健康上の不安  

1:  After a health scare last year, he decided to quit his high-pressure job. 

2:  She had a health scare, so now she's careful about what she eats and exercise regularly. 


cold sore=口唇ヘルぺス [Note:  "herpes"というと「性器ヘルペス」を想像するので、口唇ヘルペスのことは「cold sore(コールド・ソア)」と言います。]  

1:  She got a cold sore on the day of her big test. 

2:  Can I buy medicine to treat a cold sore at the drugstore?


lavatory=お手洗い, トイレ  

1:  This train has lavatories in all odd numbered cars.

2:  I want to go to the lavatory, but the pilot has turned on the "fasten seat belts" sign.


just the thing=うってつけのもの  

1:  I need a birthday present for my dad, and that book on Japanese history is just the thing. 

2:  Whenever I feel down, my best friend knows just the thing that will cheer me up.


get A over (and done) with =Aをすっかり片付ける, Aを終わらせる 

1:  The final exam is tomorrow. I can't wait to get it over and done with. 

2:  I volunteered to give my speech first because I wanted to get it over with.


bail on someone=人との約束を反古にする

1:  A: Are you free tonight?

     B: Yeah.  I had a date with Nana, but she bailed on me.

2:  A: Hi, John.  I can't make it tonight. 

     B: Again? This is the third time you've bailed on me this month. 


dry dock=船渠, ドック  

1:  The term "ningen dokku" (和製英語) comes from "dry dock," which is where ships are repaired.  

2:  A ship is floated into a dry dock, and then water is drained so that the ship rests on a platform.



1:  The man died 40 years ago, and his widow never remarried.

2:  Our new neighbor is a widower.  His told me his wife died about a year ago.



1:  Runners go around the track in a clockwise direction.

2:  Turn the lid counterclockwise to open it and clockwise to close it. 

Jul. 3, 2017


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dock=波止場, 桟橋, 埠頭   

1:  My dad and I used to sit on the dock and fish all day. 

2:  We tied our boat up at the dock and walked along the beach. 



1:  He often says one thing, and then a few minutes later he contradicts himself. 

2:  I don't get along with Michael.  He always contradicts what I say during meetings.



1:  The mayor is forming a committee to find a solution to the problem.

2:  I'm one of ten people on the high school class reunion committee.


maniac=マニア, 狂人  [英語ではmania=熱狂, 躁病]

1:  He was in such a hurry that he was driving like a maniac! 

2:  The movie is about a maniac that is terrorizing a small town resort town.



1:  I studied so much in high school that people called me an egghead.

2: Yes, I read a lot, but that doesn't mean I'm an egghead.


bossy=威張り散らす, 強引な

1:  My older sister is the bossy one in our family.

2:  No one wants to work with him because he is too bossy.



1:  He's a little on the skinny side.  I prefer stocky guys.

2:  He was about 180 cm tall and had a stocky build.


field trip=遠足, 校外見学  

1:  The class is going on a field trip to the zoo next week. 

2:  We're going on a field trip tomorrow, so don't forget to bring a bagged lunch. 


field day=運動会  

1:  My kids look forward to field day even though they're not great at sports. 

2:  My son's school had field day last week.  He participated in five events.


canker sore=口内炎 

1:  I can't drink anything hot.  I have a canker sore, and it hurts. 

2: Doctors don't know exactly why some people get canker sores often. 


don't waste your breath = 何度言っても無駄だ [直訳:自分の息を無駄にしないで] 

1: A: Maybe I can give him some advice.

    B: on't waste your breath. He's already made up his mind.  

2: A: I'm going to call him and explain.

    B: Don't waste your breath.  He won't change his mind.


miss out on =(楽しみ•好機など)を逃す, ~のチャンスを逃す 

1:  Of course I'm going!  I don't want to miss out on all the fun. 

2:  It's a great opportunity to talk with experts in your field. If you don't go, you'll really miss out (on the chance).


learn the hard way that ... = 苦い経験をして~ということを知る 

1:  He wouldn't listen to me, so he learned the hard way. 

2:  I learned the hard way that investing money in stocks is like gambling.


You can say that again.=全くその通りだ。/ 本当にそうだ。

1: A: That meeting was really boring.

     B: You can say that again.  I almost fell asleep!

2:  A: It's already May! This year is going by so fast.

     B: You can say that again.


is a blur= ~ははっきりと覚えてい、~はかすみのようです 

1:  A guy ran up and stole my handbag.  It happened so fast!  It's all a blur. 

2:  I've been so busy!  The first few months of this year are all a blur to me.


just because = 別に理由なんてない, ただ何となく, 別に 

1: A: Why didn't you go with them?

     B: Just because.

2:  A: Why are you wearing your new dress?

     B: Just because.



1:  I have to hang the towels out on the clothesline to dry.

2:  Oh, no!  I left the clothes out on the clothesline all night!


what all = 何[allは複数の物を示すために使用される] 

1: A: What all do we need from the store?

    B: Milk, eggs, rice ... um ... that's all.

2: A: What all did you do today?

     B:  Well, we went to the park, stopped by the bookstore, had lunch at Cafe 1, and then came home.



1:  You just spray, wipe and ta-da! The bathtub is clean! 

2: You roll up your clothes like this and ... ta-da!  It all fits in your suitcase!


have a hunch=~という予感がする、~という気がする  

1:  A:  How did you know he had stolen the money?

     B:  I just had a hunch.

2:  Let's check the park.  I have a hunch that that's where he went.


before I forget=忘れないうちに 

1:  I'd better write it down before I forget.

2:  Oh, before I forget, here's the book I borrowed from you.  Thanks.


catching=移りやすい, 伝染する

1:  A: Are you sick?

     B: No.  Just allergies.  It's not catching.

2:  You yawned, and then she yawned, and then I yawned. So it's true – yawning is catching!



1:  I don't understand her text.  It's all in textese!

2:  I know it's faster to type in textese, but it takes me longer to read it.


stuffy=もったいぶった, 堅苦しい 

1:  I'd rather listen to classical music at home than at a stuffy symphony concert.

2:  That suit is awful.  You'd look like a stuffy, old businessman in that.


as far as I know=私の知る限りでは 

1:  A: The meeting is at 1:00, right?

     B: Yes, as far as I know, it hasn't changed.

2:  A: Do I need to bring my passport?

     B: No, not as far as I know. But bring it just in case.


It's about time!=いよいよだね!

1: A: We're all getting new laptops for work.

     B: It's about time!  Mine is over 8 years old.

2: A: Did you hear?  Mike is moving out of his parents' house.

     B: It's about time.



1:  He's always whining about something.

2:  Stop complaining so much.  No one likes a whiner!


who all = 誰[allは複数の人を示すために使用される]

1: A: Who all is coming?

     B: Let's see ... you, me, Meg, Jun, Taka and Kana. I think that's all.

2:  A: Who all knows about this?

     B: Just you and me and Tony.  Nobody else.


make a list = リストアップする 

1:  Make a list of all of the things we need to pack for our trip. 

2:  Before I leave work, I make a list of the most important things I have to do the next day.


on a roll=幸運が続いて,  成功が続いて, 勝ち続いて 

1:  I can't stop playing the slot machine now!  I'm on a roll! 

2:  I'm going to keep working through lunch because I'm on a roll.


dead giveaway = 決定的な証拠, すぐにばれちゃう 

1:  He won't look at me when he's lying.  That's a dead giveaway. 

2: I knew he had eaten my donut.  The chocolate on his T-shirt was a dead giveaway. 


It's a date. = 了解。じゃあ、その時に。[See you then.とほぼ同じ] 

1:  A: So, I'll meet you at 7:00 at the station.

     B: It's a date!

2:  A: Tuesday's no good. How about Friday?

     B: Friday at 7:00?  OK.  It's a date!


out of sync = 同期していない 

1:  I have jet lag. The clock and my body clock are out of sync. 

2:  I can't keep up in aerobics class.  I'm always out of sync with the others.


decent=まずまずの, そう悪くない

1:  It's a really small coffee machine, but it makes a decent cup of coffee.

2:  Can you recommend a decent hotel in the area for under $100 a night?


don't get me wrong=誤解しないで, 悪く取らないでください

1:  Don't get me wrong.  I like him, but I don't think he's right for this particular job.

2: Don't get me wrong.  I'd love to take a trip with you.  I just don't want to go to Alaska.


wannabe [=want to be] = ~なりたがっている人, ~志望の人 

1:  He's not an actor.  He's a wannabe (actor).

2:  About a thousand wannabe singers showed up to audition for the singing contest.


shaken (up)=オロオロしている、ショックを受けた

1:  I had a car accident.  I'm OK, but I'm still quite shaken up about it. 

2:  The woman was visibly shaken, so we asked her what was wrong.


pop up=急に現れる, ひょっこり現れる, できる

1:  I hate it when I'm reading something online and an ad pops up. 

2:  The downtown area is growing. Several new businesses have popped up in the past year.


controversial=論争を招く, 論争を引き起こす, (~については)意見が分かれている 

1:  Trump's new immigration law is highly controversial.

2:  He tries to avoid tweeting anything that might be controversial.


texture (of food)=食感

1:  Octopus doesn't taste that bad, but I don't like the texture.

2:  If you squeeze the water out of tofu, you can change its texture.


BFF=best friend forever= 親友 [永遠の大親友。女性がよく使う]

1:  Here's a photo of me with my BFF at the beach.  

2:  My daughter and her BFF are having a pajama party this weekend.



1:  Last weekend my friend and I went to a greenhouse to pick strawberries.

2:  These tomatoes were grown in a greenhouse.


nowhere to be found=どこにも見つからない 

1:  I've looked everywhere, but the remote control is nowhere to be found. 

2:  Police searched the crime scene, but the murder weapon was nowhere to be found.


read someone's mind=人の心を読む, 人の考えていることが分かる

1:  A: Let's go out for dinner tonight.

     B: You read my mind.  I don't feel like cooking.

2:  I wonder what my dog is thinking.  I wish I could read his mind.


be a lifesaver = 本当に助かった, とても役に立つ 

1:  Thanks for lending me your car, Mike.  You're a lifesaver! 

2:  There was a crying baby on my flight, so the headphones you gave me were a lifesaver!


chime in=会話に割り込む, 話の途中でコメントを入れる 

1:  I want to hear your ideas, so feel free to chime in during the discussion. 2:  The committee was discussing the project when one of the new members chimed in with a good idea.


there's no guarantee that  = ~という保証はない

1:  You can ask your boss for time off, but there's no guarantee that you'll get it.

2: I'll recommend you to the director, but there's no guarantee that you'll get a part in his movie.


all but   = ほとんど~, もう少しで~ 

1:  When we finally got to the theater, the movie was all but over.

2:  Those birds used to be common around here, but they have all but disappeared.


make sense=意味をなす, 話が通じる, 理にかなう 

1: I can't put this together.  The instructions don't make sense.

2: My sister says I talk in my sleep, and what I say doesn't make any sense.


swerve=急にハンドルを切る, 急に曲がる 

1:  The driver fell asleep, and the car swerved off the road.

2:  If I hadn't swerved, I would have hit that cyclist.


scene of the   = ~の現場 

1:  We saw the ambulance arrive at the scene of the accident.

2:  The police are investigating the scene of the crime.


lovebirds=あつあつのカップル, 仲のいい恋人同士

1:  On Valentine's Day the restaurant I work at is filled with lovebirds.

2:  His parents have been married for 52 years, but they still act like lovebirds.


fake (v)=見せ掛ける、ふりをする 

1:  A: Your brother isn't going to school today. He's sick.

     B: Mom, he's faking. He has a test today.

2:  I read about a man who faked his own death.  His family found him 8 years later!


white meat[light meat]=鶏の胸肉[色は白っぽい] 

dark meat= 鶏のチキン・ドラム肉、もも肉、など[色は黒っぽい] 

1:  Do you prefer white meat or dark meat? 

2:  Dark meat has more flavor than white meat.


budget(v)=予算を立てる, ~を割り当てる

1:  If we budget carefully, we'll have enough for a trip to Hawaii in the winter.

2:  When I was a poor college student, I got really good at budgeting.


shady=いかがわしい, 怪しげな 

1: When she met him, he didn't tell her about his shady past. 2:  He was involved shady business dealings with a lot of shady characters.


sworn in as   = ~として宣誓就任する 

1:  Trump was sworn in as president on January 20th.

2:  The senators were sworn in by Vice President Joe Biden on January 3rd.


beat oneself up=自分を責めすぎる 

1:  I know everyone makes mistakes.  I shouldn't beat myself up about it.

2:  It's OK to cheat on your diet once in a while. Don't beat yourself up about it.



1:  Thousands of people joined the protest in the streets.   2: Students are organizing a protest against the universities new policy.



1:  He thinks I'm a fool to donate to charity.  He's always so cynical.cynical

2: After so many first dates, it's easy to get cynical.  But she always believes the next guy might be her future husband.


PM=(ソーシャルメディアやオンラインフォーラムで)プライベート・メッセージ (相手だけにメッセージ)を送る

1:  I posted a bike for sale on my Facebook page today, and so far three people have PM'd me about it.

2:  If you're interested in babysitting, PM me so we can arrange to meet.


off=はずれた, 誤った, 正常でない 

1:  My teacher said my answer to the last question was way off. 2:  We tried to guess his age.  My guess was a little off, but his guess was exactly right.


sober up=酔いがさめる 

1:  Don't let him drive home until he has completely sobered up.

2:  He was really drunk.  He didn't remember what he had done even after he sobered up.


Renaissance man=ルネサンス的教養人, 万能型の教養人 

1: He knows a lot about so many different things. He's kind of a Renaissance man.

2: His dad is a real Renaissance man.  He is an architect, but he is also a good musician and painter.


stick to =~にこだわる、~をしっかりと守る

1:  We won't get any more money, so we have to stick to our budget. 2:  It was hard,  but I stuck to my diet over the holidays.


cough drops=のど飴

1:  The air is dry on the plane, so I always carry cough drops in my carry-on bag.

2:  My throat is a little sore.  Do you have any cough dr



1:  Hang it out to dry.  The clothespins are in a basket in the laundry room.

2:  If you don't put enough clothespins on it, it'll blow away in the wind.



1:  I went to the deli to buy ham, salami and cheese to make sandwiches.

2:  The supermarket remodeled the deli section. They have a bigger selection of side dishes now.


some other time=また別のときに, また別の機会に, また今度

1:  We're out of time today, so we'll have to discuss it some other time.

2:  "Want to join us for a game of poker tonight?" 

"I can't tonight, but I'd love to some other time."


brand ambassador=[ブランド+大使]=ブランド[会社]の顔 

1:  Gwen Stafani has been named Revlon's new brand ambassador.

2:  The fashion designer chose a fashion blogger as its new brand ambassador.


burn calories=カロリーを消費する 

1:  Which burns more calories, jogging or swimming?

2:  I'll exercise longer tomorrow to burn off the calories in this cheesecake.


hit the   = ~に行く, ~に出かける

1:  We're going out for brunch, then we're going to hit the New Year's sales!

2:  I'm going to Hokkaido on business, but I think I'll stay an extra day and hit the slopes. [(ski) slopes=スキー場] 

  Jan 2017


 • • • return to top • • •


 have an upset stomach/one's stomach is upset =胃の調子が悪い  

1:  A: Want some pumpkin pie?

     B: No, thanks. I have an upset stomach.

2: I think I ate too many cookies and sweets.  My stomach is upset. 


(Christmas) stocking = クリスマス靴下  

1:  The children hung their stockings by the fireplace.

2:  I hope I get a lot of candy in my stocking.


last-minute =時間ぎりぎりの~、土壇場の~  

1: I need a last-minute gift for my cousin who's coming here from Tokyo tomorrow. 

2:  I'm going out tonight.  I got a last-minute invitation to a year-end party.



1:  He's so impatient.  He hates waiting in line even for a minute.

2:  I know I'm too impatient.  I'll try to be more patient in the new year.


You + do / Don't you + do = youを命令文に添えて強調・区別・警告・怒りもしくは穏やかな命令・くだけた指図を表す 

1: A: Stop it.

     B: No, you stop it! [=くだけた指図]  

2: First, I'll play the song, then you try it. [=区別]  

3:  Sorry, you go ahead. [=穏やかな命令] 

4:  A: Shh!

     B: Don't you tell me to be quiet! [=怒り]

5:  It's a secret, so don't you tell anyone. [=穏やかな命令]


I could go for  = ~が欲しい, ~がいいなあ  

1:  It's so hot.  I could really go for a cold beer right now. 

2: A: I'm getting hungry. 

     B: Me, too.  I could go for some pizza.


A keeps someone up=Aのために人は眠ることができない  

1:  He had a bad cough that kept him up all night.  

2:  We had a bad storm last night.  The noise kept me up all night.


fall back to sleep/fall back asleep/go back to sleep=眠りに戻る, 二度寝する  

1:  If I wake up in the middle of the night, I read until I fall back to sleep. 

2:  I woke up at 2:00 and couldn't go back to sleep.


never say never=絶対なんてことはないよ, 何が起きるか分かりませんよ  

1:  A: I'll never get married.

     B: Never say never! 

2:  People ask me if I'll get into politics.  I don't plan to, but you know what they say, "Never say never!"


every last  = 最後の~までも, ~の一つ[一人]残らず  

1:  Those cookies were so good!  I ate every last one.   

2:  He made a huge castle using every last Lego block.


get even (with someone) = (人に)仕返しをする  

1:  He embarrassed her in front of the class, so she planned to get even with him. 

2:  You know what they say, "Don't get mad, get even!"


bill =~料金請求書 

1:  I forgot to pay the phone bill.  It was dues yesterday. 

2:  The gas bill is due on the 20th, and the electric bill is cue on the 25th.


junk mail = 不要な郵便物, ダイレクトメール, 迷惑メール  

1:  My mailbox was filled with bills and junk mail.  

2:  Every morning, my inbox is full of junk mail.



1:  You buy something almost every day.  I think you might be a shopaholic. 

2:  A really big mall just opened up.  It's heaven for a shopaholic like me!


mail = 郵便物  

1:  My mailman usually delivers the mail around 10:00 a.m.  

2:  A: Did we get any mail?

     B: Just a couple of bills.


freeloader = たかり屋、居候する人  

1:  He lives with them but doesn't pay rent or help with any expenses. He's just a freeloader.

2:  He thinks people who don't make enough money to pay taxes are just freeloaders.



1:  People say Bill Clinton is not only smart but very charismatic.  

2:  His students agree that Mr. Howard really knows his subject, but he's not a very charismatic teacher.


clingy (person) =べったりの, ベタベタする, くっつきたがり 

1:  My older son is independent, but my 4-year-old son is really clingy at this age. 

2:  My brother and his girlfriend do everything together. He doesn't complain, but I think she's too clingy.


pic = picture = 写真

1:  Wow!  You met Lady Gaga?  Did you take a pic? 

2:  My aunt posts nothing but pics of her cat.


gratitude=感謝, 感謝の気持ち 

1: I write down all of the things I'm thankful for in my gratitude journal. 

2:  I don't know how to express my gratitude for all that you've done for me.


SCOTUS=Supreme Court of the United States [省略]=アメリカ合衆国最高裁判所  

1:  How many SCOTUS justices are there?

2:  The senator was pleased to hear the SCOTUS ruling that struck down the unfair law.


FLOTUS=First Lady of the United States [省略]=アメリカ大統領夫人  

1:  We saw POTUS and FLOTUS when we visited the White House. 

2:  As FLOTUS, Michelle Obama has worked to fight childhood obesity.


POTUS=President of the United States [省略] =アメリカ大統領  

1:  What does POTUS stand for? 

2:  Traffic is bad because POTUS is in town.


sci-fi  [発音=サイファイ]= science fiction = サイエンスフィクション  

1:  We're going to see that new sci-fi movie about space aliens. 

2:  I read lots of novels, mostly sci-fi and mystery.


ergonomic  =人間工学の、人間工学に基づく  

1:  I bought a special ergonomic chair for my desk.  I hope it helps my back.

2:  The factory hired a company to create a more ergonomic workspace.


vending machine = 自動販売機  

1:  There's a vending machine by the stairs on each floor of the hotel. 

2:  There are no healthy snacks in our office vending machine.


vendor = 売る人  

1: I bought that little painting from a street vendor in Paris.

2:  Our store wants to order more of these, but the vendor is in California, so the shipping is rather expensive.


ever since = その後ずっと

1:  We met in high school and have been friends ever since.

2:  Ever since he saw that movie, he has talked about nothing but dragons.


forward (an e-mail, text, etc.) to someone = (メールなどを)人に転送する 

1:  His text explains everything. I'll forward it to you. 

2:  I don't have your mom's e-mail address, so could you please forward this e-mail to her?


remote = remote control =リモコン

1:  A: Change the channel.

     B: I can't. I can't find the remote. 

2:  A: How do you turn on the air conditioner?

     B: You have to use the remote.


a nail-biter=ハラハラどきどきするもの  

1: You will love that movie.  It was a real nail-biter. 

2:  This election is going to be a nail-biter.


bite one's nails=爪をかむ  

1:  As you can see, I bite my nails.  

2:  I was so nervous I was biting my nails.

Come again?=何て言った?[砕けた表現]  

1: A: It's on the corner of Houston and 123rd Street.

     B: Come again?

2:  A: Our flight's at 9:40, so we should leave here by 7:10 to get there by 7:40.

     B: Come again?


rig = ~を不正に操作する  

1:  He thinks he lost because the election was rigged. 

2:  You can't win at that casino.  The games are rigged.



1:  Some of the hotel employees believe the top floor is haunted.

2:  I hear strange noises at night.  I'm beginning to wonder if my house is haunted.



1:  I exercise every day to lose weight, but exercise always increases my appetite.  

2:  I'm worried about my dog.  He seems to have no appetite.


drama queen=メロドラマの主人公, 芝居がかった行動をする人 

1: It was no big deal.  Stop being such a drama queen. 

2:  Bob makes it sound worse than it was.  He's such a drama queen.


scaredy-cat/fraidy-cat=怖がり屋, 弱虫  

1: Don't be such a scaredy-cat!  

2:  He won't go in the haunted house because he's a fraidy-cat.


mediocre=二流の, 平凡な  /mìːdióukər/

1:  Last night she gave a mediocre speech. 

2:  He always tries to do his best.  He hates to be mediocre.


as of = ~現在で  

1:  As of today, the kids have raised $12,500 for the charity. 

2: As of July 1st, free shipping is no longer available.



1:  Our teacher gives us too much homework, and most of it is busywork.  

2:  It feels like I'm always doing busywork.


is more like it. = むしろ~に近い, ~と言った方がずっと近い  

1:  A: Are you nervous?

     B: No.  Scared to death is more like it! 

2: A: It's a little chilly tonight.

    B: Freezing is more like it!  I need my winter coat.


algae [ǽldʒiː] = 

1:  No one had used the pool in months, and it was green from all the algae growing in it.  

2:  Some say algae, like spirulina and chlorella, are superfoods.



1:  We've had a lot of rain, so the moss is a beautiful bright green. 

2:  My favorite part of a Japanese garden is the moss.


give out=動かなくなる, 故障で止まる, 駄目になる  

1:  My poor old car finally gave out.   

2:  I hate crossing that old wooden bridge.  I'm afraid it'll give out! 

3:  Near the end of the race, I thought my legs were going to give out.


quick question= ちょっとした質問  

1:  A: Great presentation, John.  I just have a quick question.

     B: Sure, go ahead.

2: A: (I have a) Quick question. Is the verb 'hurt' in the past tense?

     B: Yes. Now, let's look at the next problem.


seaweed=海草, 海藻  

1:  Where I come from, we don't eat seaweed.  

2: At the spa, they offer many seaweed treatments, including massages and body wraps.


get around a problem=問題を回避する  

1:  I think I've found a way to get around the problem. 

2:  I have forgotten my password.  Is there any way to get around this problem?


move in together=一緒に住み始める

1:  After they got engaged, they moved in together.

2:  It's silly paying rent in two places.  We should move in together.


I wish you wouldn't do = ~やめてほしい, できれば~してほしくないのです

1: I wish you wouldn't interrupt others when they're speaking. 

2:  I wish you wouldn't use my computer without asking first.


write off = ~を経費で落とす  

1:  He spends a lot on gas, but he can write it off (on his taxes).   

2:  The company leases the cars for the employees because they can write it off.


pros and cons=賛否両論、良い点と悪い点  

1:  When I have a big decision to make, I write down the pros and cons.

2: Living alone has pros and cons. I have freedom and privacy, but it's expensive and I get lonely.


skip a grade = 1年飛び級をする   

1:  Her son is graduating early because he skipped a grade.  

2:  Her teacher told us the pros and cons of skipping a grade.



1:  I hate it when my mailbox is full of flyers.   

2:  They're handing out flyers  for the new shop near the subway station.


a slob=だらしがないやつ  

1:  I'm pretty neat at work, but I'm kind of a slob at home. 

2:  I didn't know my boyfriend was such a slob until we started living together.


big time=ひどく,すごく=to a great extent  

1:  I'm in trouble.  I messed up big time. 

2:  Thanks so much for helping me.  I owe you big time.  

3:  Our team lost big time.


married name=結婚後の姓  

1:  She's not Japanese.  Tanaka is her married name. 

2:  That actress doesn't use her married name when she's working.


candy bar=(スニッカーズのような)チョコレート・バー  

1:  He always has coffee and a candy bar on his break.   

2:  A: What's your favorite candy bar?

     B: Um ... Kit Kat.  No, wait. Snickers!


paper towel=キッチンペーパー   

1:  I have three messy kids, so I use a lot of paper towels.

2:  At my house, we use paper towels instead of cloth napkins.


my kind of =私好みの~  

1:  If it has lots of action, it's my kind of movie! 

2:  A: It's quiet and the beach is beautiful.

     B: Sounds like my kind of place!

     Sep. 2, 2016

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