What does the "ET" in ET PEOPLE! stand for?
ET stands for the "English Table." About 30 years ago, I formed ET to give students a chance to use English outside the classroom. It started as a group of people going out for dinner once a month, but it soon grew. We started ET Gourmet (cooking lessons), ET Wine (wine tasting), ET Games (playing English games), and ET Parties (Christmas, Valentine's Day, etc.).
In January, 2000, I started ET 2000! --an English magazine I printed at home for my students. The response was so great that I decided to make it available to as many students as I could. In 2001, the magazine became ET PEOPLE! and was distributed to about 450 people every other month.
In January 2002, ET PEOPLE! got a little bigger (3000 copies) and became a monthly magazine. Thanks to our sponsors, by 2005 the distribution of ET PEOPLE! had increased to 15,000 copies per month delivered to nearly 400 locations.
ET People! is written by English students with a little help from their teachers. Anyone can write for ETP! If you have an idea, please send it and I'll put it in the magazine!
UPDATE: In July 2016, ETP! was updated and became a digital-only magazine. For those of you who like to do the quizzes on paper, the pdfs are provided (click PRINT at the top). Feel free to download and print ETP!
Kathryn A. Craft
publisher / editor of ET People!
Nagoya, Japan
E-mail: etpinfo@ybb.ne.jp